Yolande Minor
GrandMamaHouse's Two Day Workshop, Aging in Place w/ Dignity was Phenomenal! It is a civic advocate organization founded by Ms, Charnette Trimble. It is exactly what our community needs in the socio-economic climate we live in. Ms. Trimble brought forth community resources that addressed Home Repair- $30,000 Grant, Meals on Wheels, Nursing Assistance, Homestead Exemption, and Wealth Preservation through a will. It addressed all the issues of how to retain our homes as we reach the primes of our lives. It addressed how to maintain Affordable Housing while Aging in Place, Even, a city official to hear my communities concerns. Ms. Trimble even linked each participant with their own individual lawyer! OUTSTANDING! ♥️ I will be with you until the ends of this earth!

Malyndia Brown
Thank you Charnette Trimble. The workshop was great. Grandmama's House is truly a blessing for our community.

Charnette Trimble,CEO
Thankyou to all of the participating partners and attendees who helped make the Age in Place with Dignity 2-Day Workshop a huge success!